Therapy is cheaper than divorce!


The act of entering therapy is one that is inherently hopeful. When couples come to IRTC, they are hoping to gain insight, foster connection, and begin healing.

For some couples, it can feel like it’s too late for therapy. You have experienced too much pain, betrayal, or ‘second chances’ and feel there is no hope for getting back ‘what you once had.’ It's vital, regardless of the past to consider the profound benefits of marriage counseling before divorce.

We encourage you to consider marriage counseling before deciding on divorce anyway.. You might be surprised to know that many couples who have reached the point of feeling they have nothing left to lose, are actually more open and honest with themselves and their partner during therapy. When this happens, it creates a powerful opportunity for the true beliefs, feelings, and experiences of each partner to emerge. This honesty is what is needed for the process of healing to begin.

Maybe you’ve already thought about calling a lawyer. One Denver firm, Burnham Law, recently listed IRTC as the #1 practice in their roundup of ‘10 Top Rated Counselors for Couples in Denver.’ We appreciate that Burnham Law cares for families by encouraging other resources that can lead to reconciliation and healing. This is congruent with the hope we see in so many of our couples. If lawyers and therapists can agree that it’s not too late for therapy before a divorce, perhaps you can believe it too.

Laura Cross